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The platform

is the latest solution which allows football associations, sport directors, scouts, and coaches unlimited monitoring of development and future potential of young football players in various organisations, national, and international levels.


We are part of WeFeelSport organization.

A platform for benchmarking
football players from U12 - U19

With the contemporary solution of “WeDoFootball”, we are establishing an online platform to manage periodical standardized assessments of young football players in the groups of U12 - U19. Assessments and evaluation methodology is supported with the online application “ WeDoFootball”, which allows periodical monitoring of physical growth, talents, disciplines, and other parameters which are essential and relevant with the football players.

A solution based
on years of experiences by the football experts and coaches

All the assessments were defined by the football experts worldwide with years of experiences with the problem of gathering relevant development information of young new talented players. 

The esential tests and assessments that are covered within the application “ WeDoFootball ” are described in detail within WeDoFootball Testing Methodology.

Key aspects

  • Certified and standardized tests.
  • Global Portfolio of young talents.
  • Test methodology that is verified in practice and is suitable for global use.
  • Supporting young talents, their guardians, coaches, scouts in evaluation and developemnt in the players football potential.
  • Global analysis and benchmarks of the current situation and the developing trends of young football players.

Key features

  • A tool for monitoring status and development of young football players.
  • Applied support during certfied testing.
  • Analyzation and statistcs of the conducted tests.
  • Young players, their official guardians, and coaches can see their current progress and development with comparison to their competition in the club, or the national and international level